Our Clients
School districts currently using Fulcrum range in size from 10,000 students all the way up to 150,000 students.Quotes from our clients:
"Fulcrum Volunteer Management system has made the volunteer registration process much easier for both our staff and our volunteers. The Fulcrum staff has been very helpful in responding to our questions and requests. I would recommend the Fulcrum system to any K-12 school system with a significant number of volunteers."
"I love this system, it provides us up to date information on our volunteers overnight. We are much more responsive and can keep unwanted people from the schools."
"[We have] been using the Fulcrum system for years. The system has been invaluable; it has notified us about serious offenses that we would not have caught otherwise."
"The Fulcrum Volunteer Management System has made our volunteer registration process more efficient and cost effective. Fulcrum staff have been prompt and responsive regarding questions, web updates and software changes. Their customer service is excellent, with particular attention to design to fit specific criteria for our schools. I would recommend Fulcrum to any K-12 school system. "
"Fulcrum has been fantastic at working with school districts. We are very pleased with the outcome and the amazing volunteer results we are seeing after only a few months."
"The Fulcrum volunteer management system has greatly streamlined our processes of volunteer registration, volunteer outreach, and conducting volunteer background checks. We highly recommend the Fulcrum system to other school districts."
"The Fulcrum system has saved 95% of the time I used to spend on volunteer background checks."
"Average turnaround time for clearing volunteers decreased from to 2-3 weeks to basically overnight."
"The Fulcrum system has been very helpful for our school district. I am loving the system! The system has been great for us and so easy to learn and navigate. The volunteer coordinators at our schools are also very pleased."